'Mo Photos!

     I was treated to lunch with the family (and I mean the whole family) at my grandparents on Sunday, which was wonderful - we all rolled away from the table because walking when you've consumed that much food simply isn't practical, or even possible for that matter. I believe it has something to do with your center of gravity, normally located in the relative center of your body ironically, which helps with the issue of balance - when we finished the feast laid before us (and by finished I don't mean there weren't leftovers - I mean we couldn't take another bite without combusting) our center of gravity shifted somewhere closer to our feet to account for the extra weight; unfortunately this is not conducive to one's balance causing us to, quite literally, roll away from the table (and you thought it was a figure of speech - goes to show you haven't met the Emery's!). Scientific explanations aside, we were rolling toward the living room - Grandma and Grandpa Emery planned for the inability to walk like human beings after a meal and conveniently sloped the floor so everyone ends up in the living room after lunch (just like normal families! I think. . . ) - and I was admiring Grandma's flowers from the unique perspective of the bottom (of the flowers of course) and the thought crossed my mind to take some pictures. See you thought the name of this post was just a hook to make you read my odd attempts of humor - proved you wrong didn't I?!
     So, in all seriousness (or at least the closest I get to it) I present to you the photos of Grandma's beautiful flowers.

This is a pretty yellow rose she had on her window sill.

Ha! Gottcha didn't I? You thought there really was pictures! It was a joke! Funny right? . . . Oh all right here they are for real (people have no sense of humor any more).

Really they're right here - you just have to squint and lean up close and look . . . see it? No?

That's because I was kidding! There isn't really a picture there - yes, you can put away the magnifying glass now. See this is what happens when I try to be serious. For anyone who stuck with this odd rambling post you really deserve to see the pictures I took so here you go:

 See? A real picture! And you thought I was joking again!

 And look! Another one! It's like Christmas!

Sorry this is the last one - but it was worth it right? Surely you laughed at least once? Giggled? Snickered? Smiled? Smirked? Enjoyed the pictures? Ok if you didn't do one of these then you should probably find a new blog to read . . . but I do enjoy your company if you want to continue reading mine in the hopes that I'll improve (I wouldn't recommend holding your breath though).
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