And We're Done! The Trebuchet!

     We finally finished the full scale trebuchet (which is what kept me from this blog) and here are the pictures to prove it.

Here is Aaron holding the arm before we attached the box - this picture is a good size comparsion of the full scale.

Here is a pic of the completed trebuchet loaded and ready to fire.

Another picture of the finished trebuchet with Aaron in the background to show the size.

This is a close-up of the release pin where the sling attaches. The pin had to be at just the right angle to release the sling at the apex of its arch which gave us the best results.

A close-up of the sling we used - it was made by tying eight strands of utility rope into a sling shape.

This is our track to keep the sling on course as it is pulled skywards to fire.

This is probably my favorite part of the trebuchet - the firing pin; it was constructed to hold the forces working on it and release easily. The large bolt is pulled loose which releases the trigger letting the rope slide loose and release the arm. This design allowed for a smooth and uniform release every time we fired the trebuchet.

      I loved building the trebuchet and it was a sight to behold when fired, but I am glad to be done and have the time to relax; however, I am eager to get out and fire it more with a few untraditional projectiles.

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