
     Well I was wrong (again); I didn't get back to writing last week. So here I am providing an update after the first week at KSU. Turns out they weren't kidding when the College of Architectural Planning and Design (CAPD) said we'd have a full work load - we had an assignment the first day of studio to be done by the next class; we were to sketch a floor plan and two section views of a small chapel (Danforth Chapel) on campus. The tough part about the assignment, aside from the sheer amount of time consumed completing it, is that it is to be done freehand - which means no ruler, t-square, or straight-edge and our scale was to made from our bodies rather than more traditional measurements. After finishing the rough draft, we revised it multiple times and I breathed a sigh of relief as I turned in my final copy (for now) at 5 today after a full day of sketching. Next week we start right in with a one-point perspective, also done freehand, that is (hopefully) due on Friday.
     When I'm not working in studio I've been catching up on reading for my other classes, although I've been able to have a little pleasure reading to relax before bed each night also. All in all I feel like I'm settling in alright at K-State; the meals are much better than expected (although they certainly aren't home cooked), I've been able to meet a few people, both in the dorm and out, and (judging from this week) I'll be getting to know my fellow students in studio very well (we have a class of 18 in studio including me). I have a good roommate who has helped me locate everything and have found a good church home at Grace Baptist Church, where I am looking forward to trying Sunday School tommorrow morning. I was able to sign up for a small group study at Grace that will meet the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month in the evenings and I'm eager to experience this opportunity as well, and if all goes well I will be able to help with Awanas (a gathering for children similar to TeamKids) at the church as well on Wednesday nights.
     Last week I mentioned a project I was working on for my dorm room that I finished and would like to share with you also, unfortunatly it wasn't needed in my room but perhapes I can use it another year or at home. It is a metal board for decoration and reminders (using magnets).

I painted, stained, and assembled the entire board.
     I can tell I am at fact at college from the fact that music is shaking the floor - and we're on the 4th floor so I sure hope they accounted for earthquakes when building Marlatt . . . anyway . . .
     For those at home, thank you for the prayers (and please keep them coming - I need all I can get!), I have truely felt them lift me up this week as I've worked on settling in. I honestly don't know how anyone can live without Christ; I've relied on him this week as much or more than I ever have before just to get through this week and he gave me the strength I needed to make it. Which reminds me of a quick side note - if you haven't read Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life I highly recommend it. I'm reading through it for the second time (read it last summer also) and it has really got me thinking and focused (it also really helped me this week).
      I'm planning on coming home Labor Day Weekend and I hope to see everyone again because I won't have another break until Thanksgiving to come home so if I don't catch you give me a call, shoot me an email, or even use the 'ol snail mail if you'd like (contact me if you want my address).
     Thanks again for all the prayers and encouragement and I hope to see you soon!
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