Architectural Legos?

     So I was reading an Architectural article for my studio class (and surpisingly enough it was pretty interesting) and was doing some reasearch *read: looking up pictures of the buildings* about some of the structures the author mentioned and I discovered some really neat stuff. I was checking out some images of Frank Llyod Wright's Fallingwater (which I highly recommend looking up if you haven't seen it before - it is amazing) when, to my surprise, I saw a Lego representation of the structure! Having grown up playing with Legos, they hold a special place in my heart and as an adult I welcome any chance to build with the wonderful little blocks. Of course I had to investigate and I discovered that a guy named Adam Tucker (who graduated from K-State in '96) makes massive Lego representations of buildings in the US that are very detailed yet stunning beautiful. Ok - maybe I'm exagerating a bit for most people but they were beautiful to me (remember I'm the odd kid who loves Legos - even in college). Turns out he has paired with Lego to release a series called the Lego Architecture series that has been made available for purchase to the teeming masses of America and the world (although it's likely targeted at a much smaller group of people like myself). The Lego sets are desktop size - I believe they are all under 12 square inches - and they are ridiculously over priced, but they would make a great conversation/decoration piece. Here are a few pictures and links as a reward for putting up with my rambling: - This is the site I found first. - This is Adam Tucker's site - it has some really neat stuff on it and if you google his name you'll find all sorts of neat Lego structures that he has done.

This is a collection (but not all of) Adam's structures.

This is Adam's version of Wright's Fallingwater.

This is the Lego Fallingwater that is avaliable for purchase (it's my second favorite Lego set).

The Guggenheim Museum by Wright

The White House.

This is Adam's version of the Empire State Building . . .

. . . And this is the version from Lego (I wasn't very impressed with this one and it is WAY overpriced but it's still neat).

And my personal favortie Lego set - The Seattle Space Needle.

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