Architecture Update

     Last time I checked in we had visited the Nelson-Atkins Museum (did you notice that I figured out how to make links? Now I'm using them everywhere!) and were in the process of starting Project 4. Well, this time we've finished Project 4 as well as our first semester in the Environmental Design Studios. Project 4 was a difficult project, but I did enjoy it - we spent the first 3 weeks formulating and refining a design for our garden (if you didn't remember or I didn't tell you *gasp!* we were designing a modern garden on a 40'x56' site for Project 4) and once that was approved, we drew a site plan (the bird's eye view plan), two section cut one-point-perspectives (what you would see if you were standing at a certain point in the garden) and 4 diagrams to describe our design process.
     The design was created and refined through a series of models and sketches that built upon each other until we reached our accepted design (you should be able to tell that I'm learning because my prose is very designerish sounding right? Except this of course . . . but we're in parenthesis so I can write however I wanna!). Basically we made a LOT of models - I made around 18 to get to my final design, which was approved the Friday before Thanksgiving break. We all had the privilege of working on our projects throughout the break, which added some nice spice of stress to the otherwise relaxing holiday season. Even so I managed to procrastinate and enjoy some time with my family - eating a big meal at Grandma Joanne's and shopping on Black Friday (this is only the second time I've had that opportunity shop early on Black Friday with my family by the way - if I get to it I'll make an exclusive holiday/family-time post later).
     When we returned from Thanksgiving Break we had a busy week before us and the final project due the next Sunday. I worked my hind-quarters off and finished a grand 15 minutes before the deadline after pulling an all-nighter Saturday night and catching church Sunday morning (although I'll confess I had a little trouble staying awake during the sermon . . . . . . OK! so maybe I missed (read: slept through) all of the sermon, but I caught the song service! (after I drifted off standing . . . that jolted me awake long enough to make it to the sermon) . . . anyway . . .). The point is that I finished on time then we all (the 1st year Architecture students) cleaned out the studios and they served us dinner (Mr. Goodcents) - 5 o'clock is way too early for supper so I had a giant chocolate cookie instead. After dinner I came back to the dorm and warmly embraced my old friend, Mr. Pillow. We had a nice reunion (he seemed glad to see me too) and I got up the next morning to finish up with studio - we still had critics of our projects. My critic went well and Monday night Mr. Pillow helped me reconcile with Mr. Sheets and Mrs. Bed (I'm typing this late at night here so give me a break on the names, a'right?) we made up and I slept in nicely on Tuesday and took the day off because I had no classes.
     I finished up the last of my normal classes this afternoon and I'm down to two finals next week (Wednesday and Thursday) which I'll finish studying for early next week. I'm going to relax and enjoy myself this weekend and I plan on exploring the town some next week before I head home for the Christmas Break (which is nearly a month with NO HOMEWORK!! Hard to beat that!).
     Anyway that brings you up to date on my work in Architecture, stay tuned for more posts and a some news.
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