Back to School

New, new, new! New major, new room and roommate, new classes, new school year!
I'm back at K-State, down and across the hall from my old room in Marlatt Hall and quite pleased with our new setup:
View from the door

North View

East View

South View

West View

My Desk

My desk . . . with someone in my chair! Hey!

     We borrowed the L-Shape idea for the bunks from our neighbors and modified it a bit to fit the futon (new to me this year courtesy of my grandparents), the moon chair, desks and appliances (don't get too excited - we've only got a mini-fridge and microwave - just like last year). The outcome is a relaxed room with lots of seating but enough room for board games, hence the card table: currently on loan from the mule barn (read: home), which folds away and stores neatly beside my desk when not in use.
     Having *finally* gotten the majority of my basics out of the way (finishing up with Economics this semester) I am now enrolled in much more interesting classes that relate more directly to my future profession - which is still Elementary Education (I know - it's been awhile since the last posts). Now that I'm in more specialized classes I've found another trend: elementary teachers, as it turns out, tend to be female - which translates into favorable gender ratios in most of my classes - a perk of the major I suppose.
     Continuing this stream of good news is the announcement of my part-time job, which is also new this year (do you see a trend here?). I now work as a Childcare Assistant (How's that for an impressive title? No? Well I also got a ID badge which definitely qualifies as impressive - at least in my book . . . which unfortunately hasn't been published yet . . . as it turns out you have to write something before anyone is willing to publish it, but now we've gone and got off track again . . . where were we again? Oh, right the job . . .) for the afterschool program at Bergman Elementary.
     I made it back to Grace Baptist this Sunday after I got back and was glad to see friends from last year and get involved again for the school year. I get to help with Children's Church and Awana Clubs again this year and I think I'm just as excited for Awanas to get started as the kids. Our Bible Hour this year is focusing on 1 & 2 Kings and we have the same excellent teacher as last year and I'm eager to continue our studies next Sunday. Last Sunday also brought about a new experience (have you found the trend yet?) when I was able to partake in the Lord's Supper at Grace.
     Last (for tonight) but certainly not least I was able to take some new (if you haven't caught the trend yet you might want to just stop reading now . . . and if this annoys you - you've probably read too far too - just save yourself the pain and stop. No, really, stop reading - it doesn't get any better. Seriously - just move on to another page - why don't you try checking the weather? Ok, now you're just making me ramble - back to business - for those crazy enough to dredge through this mess) pictures this summer during our vacations that I'm looking forward to sharing with you soon. Until then . . . well . . . find something to do that will help you pass the time (because I know you can hardly contain yourself - just calm down and wait - you know the old saying, "Good things come to those who procrastinate," or something like that . . . )
Until next time!
God Bless,

P.S. - Internet Explorer hates me right now so if there are any errors - you know, pictures look funny, text skipping around, bad grammar, misspellings, odd ramblings, etc - it was my browser - I swear.